Horsing Around

Horsing Around is the 180th short subject starring American slapstick comedy team The Three Stooges. The trio made a total of 190 shorts for Columbia Pictures between 1934 and 1959.

When Bernie hears a broadcast over the radio stating that a local famous circus horse Schnapps is about to be destroyed, due to an injury, she pleads with them to help her save him. They agree but first they rent a wagon and hire a babysitter to take care of Berties baby. Just before they leave their home Joe tosses all the dishes out the window. Bertie and the Stooges race to the circus in an effort to save the horse from a certain fate.At the circus, the Stooges split up. Moe and Larry distract the man Emil Sitka sent to destroy Schnapps by using a horse costume. Joe finds Schnapps and the two horses are reunited. ........

Source: Wikipedia